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Showing posts from September, 2013

Spicy Black Bean Chili with Cheese, Maple Pain Perdu

Ladling the chili directly on the pain perdu made it a little soggy This was much better as the bread retained its crisp exterior - brush the edge with oil and sprinkle with chopped herbs The cooler weather is just around the corner here in Montreal and I have to admit that this is my favourite time of the year.  I'm not talking about the freezing, snowy -20°C temperatures we sometimes get in the middle of winter but  the wonderful - thick sweaters and sleeping with the windows open kind of weather.  It usually lasts all of September and October and it is when I really begin to want to start cooking comfort food.  For me, there is nothing as enjoyable as spending some time hiking in the woods to admire the vibrant colours of the leaves changing on a cool day and coming home to a warm house that smells wonderful.  Add to that a roaring fire, some great music, and I am at my happiest.

Vegan Naan for Sarah

I have been wanting to experiment with Naan bread for a long time.   I really do love the taste and chewy texture and it has become my bread of choice now for everything from sandwiches, pizzas, sausage buns, etc.  When Sarah expressed frustration not too long ago that she could not find vegan Naan (all the store bought ones seem to contain egg), I decided to go ahead and give it a try.  As it turns out, it is very easy.  It has become such a hit that I have made it 4 times in the last two weeks.

Montreal Steak and Cheese with Chipotle Mayo Dressing

This is one of those quick and easy (really delicious) weekday meals that everyone gets excited about when they hear we are having it.  It is basically a flatbread layered with melted cheese, thinly sliced beef seasoned with Montreal steak spice , caramelized onions, sautéed mushrooms, lettuce, tomatoes and a spicy chipotle mayonnaise dressing (that I use for everything).