I recently discovered Pinterest and am completely hooked on it (thanks to my online mentors - Sarah & Kat). I share things from my generation, i.e. recipes - and they teach me about amazing new things they know about, i.e. cool internet stuff. Basically, this is an online bulletin board where you keep things that you like and that inspire you.
It kind of reminds me of a vision board that I once made where I would keep pictures (cut out of magazines, newspapers, etc) of things that I liked and aspired to (a beautiful cottage in the country, a beach vacation in Vietnam, etc.). Now, instead of taking the images out of magazines, they come from the internet. When you sign up, you select the categories that you like, for example: fashion, food, quotes, etc., and whatever relates to your categories on the internet is posted for you.
You can then, in turn, choose the images that you like most and repin them to your own bulletin board (or Pinboard). You can have a variety of Pinboards and move your favorite ideas to your own boards for future reference. For example: I have one for food, for favorite quotes, for fashion I like, and decor. Whenever I need a little inspiration, I can go back to my boards and see what I have repinned there.
For me, this is like looking at a wonderful magazine that has only things I like in it. It is very addictive.
Everyday, I take a look at what shows up and am continually amazed by some of the wonderful quotes that have been pinned. For me, this is often all it takes to start the day off right.