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A three way Tomato, Mozzarella

 1. One bite cherry tomatoes with baby mozzarella and fresh basil

2. Tomato mozarella salad with pesto coulis, balsamic glaze and dried heirloom tomato

3. Gazpacho with mozzarella ice cream and spicy tomato jelly

Tomatoe, mozzarella is a classic and is a wonderful summer dish.  Here are three different takes on the dish.  You could even bring this into winter by preparing a tomato soup with a mozzarella and herb crostini!  I'll work on that one.  ☺☝

Basically, the ingredients remain pretty much the same.  The idea is to use the best tomatoes with the most flavor.  When you use tomatoes in the winter, they are a bit bland so remember to add a little tomoto paste to whatever you are making (if its a cooked dish).  It's also a good idea to balance the high acity of the tomato with a bit of sugar or honey.  This just creates a more enjoyable flavor when you are eating it.   

Tip:  Save the leftover ice cream and serve with a small cherry tomato salad:

Cut some cherry tomatoes in half, season with salt, pepper, nut oil and white balsamic vinegar.  Place in a deep dish plate, top with quenelle of ice cream and bunch of basil leaves.


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