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Showing posts from October, 2016

Butternut Squash Risotto with Pancetta, Brown Butter and Crisp Sage Leaves

Inspiration:  Easy Halloween inspired dinner for entertaining (it's orange and delicious)! This is a great go-to meal around Halloween for us.  I love the orange colour and the flavours are delicious.

Mummy Style Pigs in a Blanket

Inspiration:  A great Halloween project for kids to make - and delicious to eat! I was recently looking for some fun Halloween cooking projects for kids and I happened to spot these little guys on Pinterest.  What a great lunch or dinner treat if you are hosting a halloween party or for a quick bite just before the kids head out to trick or treat.  The best thing about them is that they are delicious - who does not like Pigs in a Blanket - oh and by the way, the Pillsbury Crescent Roll dough is Vegan!  

Spider Cookies for Halloween

Inspiration:  Halloween and Pinterest! These are fun and easy to make.  All you need is a really good shortbread cookie recipe  (it's also repeated below), some melted dark chocolate,  Aero bubbles and some candy eyes. 

Kale and Sweet Potato Turkey (or Chicken) Cobbler

Inspiration:  Leftover Thanksgiving turkey I  am currently obsessed with curd cheese (yes! the one you use in poutine).  I can get it fresh every day in most grocery stores in Quebec and it is delicious.  It is best eaten at room temperature the day it is made because once it is refrigerated it will loose its squeaky texture.  These days, I love using any refrigerated leftovers in cheese based sauces.   If you are a cheese curd amateur (like me),  you will be able notice, albeit subtly, its distinctive flavour in this recipe. 

The Best Kale Fruit Smoothie

Inspiration:   Crux Comptoir  Buddha smoothie I often have this smoothie for lunch when I am working.  It gets its beautiful green colour from the kale but don't be fooled - it is sweet, decadent and delicious.  Top with some hemp hearts and puffed quinoa for a little extra texture and crunch.  I hope you enjoy!

Root Vegetable Soup with Spicy Pancetta Shavings

Inspiration:  Beautiful Fall bounty    I was teaching a class not long ago at  Williams Sonoma  - Dix30 to demonstrate the amazing  Vitamix  blender.  Although I do not have a Vitamix yet, I was given one to bring home in order to create and test some recipes.  I have to say, I was truly amazed.  The Vitamix has a great reputation and it is justified.  This is a powerful machine that blends like nothing I have ever seen before and the ease of use is one of the features I liked the most.  Although it is expensive, I feel this is one of those appliances you buy for life - like the Kitchenaid stand mixer - that becomes an integral part of your kitchen space.  An appliance you can count on to be passed on to the next generation when you don't need it anymore.