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Chestnut and Leek Stuffed Mushrooms with Soy Lemon Pepper Sauce (Vegan)

Inspiration:  Best marinade recipe ever for Beef or Chicken Brochettes 

Be generous with the sauce and top with fried carrots (see how to make them below)

Chestnut and Leek Stuffed Mushrooms with Soy Lemon Pepper Sauce:  Makes 8 large stuffed mushrooms caps

  • 8 large white button mushrooms, cleaned
  • 2T (30ml) of oil and a little more to brush the mushroom caps
  • salt
  • 1 medium shallot, finely diced
  • 1 small leek, white part only, finely diced (about 1/3 cup)
  • 2 medium cauliflower florets, finely diced (about 1/3 cup)
  • 6 cooked chestnuts, finely chopped (you can substitute with 2T of roasted pine nuts)
  • 2T (30ml) of Soy Lemon Pepper Sauce (see below)

Soy Lemon Pepper Sauce
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) of vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) of water
  • 1/2 cup (120ml) of low sodium soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice
  • 2T (30ml) of yellow mustard
  • 2T (30ml) of Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/2t of garlic, finely chopped
  • 1T (15ml) of agave syrup - or honey or maple syrup
  • freshly ground pepper (about 4 or 5 twists of the grinder or to taste)
  • 1T of cornstarch
  • 2T(30ml) of water
  • Found in most grocery or health food stores

How to make it:

Start by making the sauce:  
Place the vegetable oil (1/4cup - 60ml), water (1/4cup - 60ml),  soy sauce (1/2cup -120ml), lemon juice (1/4cup - 60ml), yellow mustard (2T - 30ml), Worcestershire sauce (2T - 30ml), garlic (1/2t), agave syrup (1T - 15ml) and fresh ground pepper (to taste) in a small saucepan over medium heat and bring to a simmer.  

Dilute the cornstarch (1T) in the water (2T - 30ml).  When the sauce is simmering, add the cornstarch slurry and cook until the sauce thickens - about 2 minutes.   Set aside. 

For the stuffed mushrooms:
Gently pull out the stems from the caps and reserve (they will be chopped and used in the stuffing).   Slice off the dark end tip of the stem and discard.

Using a melon baller, gently scoop out the gills and gently even out the centre of the mushroom caps.  Reserve all the trimmings with the stems.  Brush oil evenly over the entire mushroom cap to prevent it from drying out and set aside.  Finely chop the mushroom trimmings (stems and all) and reserve.

Heat oil (2T - 30ml) in a large saucepan over medium heat.  Add the diced shallot (1 medium), leek (1 small - white part only) with a pinch of salt and cook for 5 minutes to soften.

Add the chopped cauliflower (2 medium florets), chopped mushroom trimmings and chopped chestnuts (6) or pine nuts (2T).  Add 2T of the Soy Lemon Pepper Sauce and stir to combine into the stuffing. Cook for another 5 minutes, stirring often.  Taste and season if necessary.  

I found these at Delices du Marché at the Atwater Market

Preheat oven to 350°F (170°C).  Lightly season the centre of the mushroom caps with salt and spoon in the filling.  Set on a parchment line baking sheet, drizzle with a little oil and bake for 20 minutes in the centre of the oven.   Stuffed mushroom are ready to be served on a bed of rice.  Heat the sauce and generously spoon over the mushrooms caps.  

Garnish Options:  
Roasted onion and red pepper:  Cut an onion in quarters and separate the layers.  Cut 1/2 red pepper in even square pieces.  Place the onion and red pepper in a bowl and mix with 3T of the soy lemon pepper sauce.  Place in a 350°F (170°C) oven for 25 minutes to roast.  Evenly chop the red pepper into small dice.  Reheat cooked onion and diced pepper when ready to plate.

Crispy carrot garnish: I use this as a garnish for many dishes.  It adds texture and colour.

Here is a very quick video to show you how (you can do this with potato or parsnip also).

Julienne or grate 1 large carrot and sprinkle with 2T of cornstarch.  Mix with your hands to coat the carrots evenly. Heat 1/2 inch of oil in a deep pan over medium high heat to 170°C (350°F).  Check if oil is ready by dropping a small piece of carrot into it.  If it sizzles, you can then add a small handful of julienned carrots.  As the carrots cook (about 2 minutes) they will begin to group and stick together.  Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on a plate lined with paper towels.  Season with salt and pepper.  These can be made ahead in the day and kept, uncovered at room temperature until you are ready to serve.
Note: Be careful when frying- make sure your pot is deep enough to prevent oil from bubbling over.  

Served with grilled olive bread and fennel, orange salad


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