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Showing posts from March, 2013

Banana Bread Revisited - Healthy Gluten-Free

Vegan and gluten-free eating seems to be something I hear more and more about in my circle of friends, family and colleagues.  I have experimented on a few occasions with gluten free baking and have to admit that the  Butternut Squash Breakfast Cake Recipe  is quite good.  However, my first attempt at a gluten free banana bread was OK but a little too sandy in texture (due to the rice flour) to my liking.  So, in an attempt to make it better, I have been studying the best way to bake gluten free without compromising on taste and texture.

Didi's Salad: Pear, Walnuts and Feta ♥

Another idea for an individual serving My sister Diane (whom we affectionately call Didi or Di)  always makes the best salads.  For a salad to be really good, it has to have a good balance of texture and taste.  The combination of flavours in this one is amazing.  As we were getting ready to prepare a family get-together meal (always the best) on the weekend, we were able to cook together and catch up on family news.  Kitchen moments are, for me, the best.