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Showing posts from July, 2012

Salmon Tartar - Asian Style

Served here with baked Lays potato chips or toasted baguette In our family we use the expression ''mish mash'' to describe a dinner when we will just go through the fridge and freezer and put a bunch of easy (but good) things together to create a meal.  Actually, this is one of our favorite ways to eat because everyone prepares their favorite item and it all comes together buffet (or tapas) style.

Galettes à la mélasse - Family Favorite!!!!

A little while back, I asked my mother to send me our favorite family recipes so I could put them on the blog.  She quickly obliged and sat down at the kitchen table to neatly and clearly write them out for me.  I received them a few days later in the mail with a lovely note (it still makes me happy to receive something in the mail - thanks mom).


For some reason, all the men I know seem to have a soft spot for these crisp gingerbread cookies.